Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My Everest

So the other day I got an email from asking what my "Everest" was and it really got the wheels turning thinking about what I want to accomplish in my lifetime. I'm married to an amazing man (who can seriously drive me nuts but I know loves me for everything that I am and in spite of everything that I'm not), have two wonderful children (who I watch with amazement every day when they surprise me with how great they really are), and I'm really not looking to accomplish much more than raising my children to be the best they can be. So thinking with this in mind (and knowing that I want my kids to know that anything is possible) I've decided that I have two "Everests" 1) I want to run a 5K, followed by eventually running the NY marathon and 2) I want to complete a triathalon. Now for anyone who knows me I'm extremely stubborn and when doing something I usually do everything in my power to get it done and that I can be extremely lazy and working out is really not my cup of tea. But as I said before I want to show my kids that hard work and perseverance can overcome anything so here's to completing my Everest. What's your Everest?

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