Monday, April 26, 2010

31 going on 85

Welcome to my first edition of Not Me Monday hosted by mckmama where we total perfectionast mama's can admit to non-perfectionist moments.....

It was totally NOT ME who walked all over the parking lot for 45 minutes looking for my car and was getting ready to call the hubby to tell him it had been stolen before it dawned on me that no kids were around and that meant that the sedan was what should have been looked for not the mini van. Nope I totally didn't do that.

It was absolutely NOT ME who cruised through the DD drive thru to purchase two dozen donuts for snack for Sunday school because I forgot to make cupcakes the night before for Em's birthday.

And it is definetely NOT me who is walking around like I'm 85 after spending some quality time clearing out weeds because I am in so much better shape than that.....

So what did you NOT do this week? Head on over to Mckmama's for some more Not Me Monday quips here....


Unknown said...

I have NEVER called my husband in a panic claiming the truck was stolen only to remember our old 10" lifted truck was not what I was driving but instead my MIL's honda accord. I have never called him in a panic numerous times in the course of 6 years for this exact same issue either. NOR have I EVER called him because my key won't unlock the red truck only to realize after crying to him that it is in fact NOT our truck.

Hope you start feeling back up to par.

Chelle said...

I also would never comment on someone's blog only to realize upon submitting that I was logged into my husbands account. *hangs head in shame*